User Manual

What is MovieZilla Get started with MovieZilla Create movie project Import media Create video Edit video (rotate,speed,watermark) Text and credit Edit audio Transitions Overlay Element Filter Export video and share FAQ Contact Us

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1. Import images and videos into MovieZilla

Just click the button "import images and videos" to import your files into MovieZilla project. 

How to import images with windows movie maker

2. Select target files and add to timeline

Select the files which you want to add to your movie, then click the button "Add to timeline". 

how to add images to timeline with windows movie maker

3. Add transitions among the images to the timeline

Switch to the "Transitions" panel. You can add various transitions between each two images. You can select and add transitions one by one. Or, just click the "Random to All" button. The random transitions will be added before each image automatically. Then you can let it go or modify specific transitions.

how to add transitions with windows movie maker

4. Add music to the timeline for your movie

Switch to the"Music" panel. There should be some music in your movie. You can double click to preview the target music. Drag and Drop the music to the Audio Track of the Timeline. It will be added to the timeline.

how to add music with windows movie maker

5. Export your movie to video file

Switch to the "Export" panel. OK, now we get the first quick movie. Just select the target format and click the "Export" button. Your movie will be exported and saved to your local disk.

how to export movie with windows movie maker

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