Edit text style
The text style embodies the text size, font, angle, color, border and shadow, opacity and so on. And the favorable text style can embellish the effect of the video play.
Step1: Enter edit mode
Click “T” to the front of the timeline. The blue line will automatically appear at the front of the timeline.
To freeze the screen where you need to add text, click the play button.
It is worth noting that the blue line on the timeline will also be fixed.
Step2: Edit text style
Change the custom text and edit the text motion and text style with tools on the software.
Editing text style:
Click the blue text to change the custom text and drag the text with yellow frame in the video display area to your satisfied location when the arrow symbol can be seen.
Double-click the blue text box to enter multi-line mode.
Select fonts and see if the text needs to be bold, underlined, skewed, and stereoscopic
Change the angle of the text, add different colors, transparency of the edge and shadow.
Click “OK” to save it. Preview the video and refined text.
Text style properties:
The custom angle degree is rotated counterclockwise on the basis of the current position.
The system comes with these angle degrees:0, 90, 180, 270.
You can regulate the clarity of the font by increasing or decreasing the value of opacity.
The higher the value of opacity, the clearer the font.
The range of border and shadow could be adjusted in 0.0 ~ 100.0.