User Manual

What is MovieZilla Get started with MovieZilla Create movie project Import media Create video Edit video (rotate,speed,watermark) Text and credit Edit audio Transitions Overlay Element Filter Export video and share FAQ Contact Us

Register Your Account

You can select either Easy Mode or Full Feature Mode to register your account. It’s simple because you only have to input your licensed-email and registration code.

To purchase MovieZilla, you can choose to pay by any one of the following payment channels:

PayPalVisaMaster Card
American ExpressDiscoverEurocard
Check/ Money OrderFax OrderPhone Order

1. Easy Mode

Having selected Easy Mode, please click the “key” icon on the top right to input your register information.


Please input your licensed e-mail and registration code here.


2. Full Feature Mode

In Full Feature Mode, click the register button on the top menu.


And then find the register function below.


Now you can input your register information.


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